رب العالمين تبارك وتعالى اضغط على الصورة للتكبير Click on Photo to see it big ( ALLAH ) The Almighty GOD The Lord Of The Worlds The King of the Heavens and the earth The Great Creator of the whole Universe There is no GOD but ALLAH (SWT) ALLAH is The Only and Sole GOD of the whole uiverse , and there is no God but Him . ALLAH is the Great Creator and the only Creator of the whole universe and everything , He is the One who created Man , all creatures and every thing in the world . ALLAH is the Great Lord of the worlds , The King of the heavens and the earth , The All Seeing , The All Hearing , The All knowing , The Defeater , The Dominant , The First , The Last , The Immortal , The Pure of all imperfections ,The All High and The All Holy All Glory , Praise , Exalt , and Honor to ALLAH The Almighty God (SWT) . ...